We invite you to join Team Beautiful Beginnings! This is a special team of supporters who commit to monthly giving to Bel Inizio.
$35 Covers the cost of fruit for a team for one night
$50 Covers the cost of an athlete’s team shirt and race entry
$100 Supports transportation to and from workouts
$250 Covers the cost of an athlete to complete our program
$500 Pays for a team’s graduation ceremony
$1000 Supports our expansion into more agencies
As members of Team Beautiful Beginnings, you will receive:
- A welcome gift
- An annual invitation to happy hour with Bel Inizio’s Executive Director and Board Members
- Discounts for upcoming events
- A members-only quarterly email update
- The knowledge that your sustaining gift is helping us change lives month after month
Contact Kendra Atkins at ph: 281-436-7575
or Email Us to get started.