Media Appearances:

FOX26 Houston interviews Bel Inizio’s Founder and Executive Director, Theresa Strong on Lunch for the Soul.

A Strong Woman for the Task

By Alyson Ward, Staff Writer, Houston Chronicle
Updated May 1, 2013 5:22 p.m.

On a rainy evening, some 30 women are circling the half-mile track in Shady Lane Park. Some have jogged ahead; others walk in clusters, chatting as Theresa Strong runs up behind them, her shoes sloshing through wet grass.

“OK, is anybody strolling up there? Cause if you’re strolling. …”

Strong, 53, is the reason they’re on this track, dodging puddles and training for a 5K.

“You don’t have to sign up,” she told them the week before, when she showed up at their residential treatment center for drug and alcohol abuse. “It’s really good for you, and it will change your life, but you don’t have to do it.”

The women on the track want to do it. READ MORE>>

Video Interviews:

Rob Eppolito from Video Mojo invited Bel Inizio‘s Executive Director, Theresa Strong, onto his new series Resilience Mojo. Rob speaks to business owners who have been through “it,” but have since moved forward and are more successful. There are two parts.

Podcast Interviews: